This documentation describes the three-dimensional two-phase flow solver for sediment transport applications: SedFoam. The solver is based on twoPhaseEulerFoam solver available in the official release of the open-source CFD software OpenFOAM (based on OF2.4). In this approach the sediment phase is modeled as a continuum, and constitutive laws have to be prescribed for the sediment stresses. In the proposed solver, two different inter-granular stress models are implemented: the kinetic theory of granular flows and the dense granular flow rheology . For the fluid stress, laminar or turbulent flow regimes can be simulated and three different turbulence models are available for sediment transport: a simple mixing length model (one-dimensional configuration only), a - and a - model.
Different laminar flow benchmarks/tutorials_laminar are provided to illustrate the model capabilities e.g. a sedimentation of spherical particles at low Reynolds number, the laminar bed-load problem, as well as turbulent flow benchmarks/tutorials_RAS are proposed. The source code and tutorial cases are disseminated at the public website: https:/
This manual is written as the documentation of the open-source solver sedFoam, it includes the installation procedure and a description of the model input/output files.
The sedfoam solver should be referenced using the GMD paper :
Chauchat, J., Cheng, Z., Nagel, T., Bonamy, C., and Hsu, T.-J. (2017) SedFoam-2.0: a 3-D two-phase flow numerical model for sediment transport, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 4367-4392, https:/
and the reference in which a specific configuration and/or feature has been first presented (please see list of references in the documentation). If you are using a sedFoam version without modification, you should also refer to the Zenodo DOI of the version, current version is https:/
The documentation is divided into two parts, the first one is the user manual:
- Section Installation explains how to download, compile and install SedFoam.
- Section How To work with sedFoam container provides a survival guide on how to use SedFoam docker.
- Section Governing equations describes sedFoam governing equations.
- Section Algorithm describes sedFoam algorithm.
- Section Laminar flow tutorials describes the laminar flow tutorials provided with SedFoam sources including postprocessing using a python toolbox also provided with the source and the expected results.
- Section Reynolds-averaged flow tutorials describes turbulent flow tutorials using RAS models provided with SedFoam sources.
- Section LES tutorials describes turbulent flow tutorials using LES models provided with SedFoam sources.
- Section Non-dimensional solution describes how to obtain a non-dimensional solution using SedFoam.
- Section Dynamic mesh tutorials describes dynamic mesh tutorials using SedFoam.
- Section Publications contains the list of publications using SedFoam.
- Section Input Parameters describes the input parameters for SedFoam.
- Section How To work with github provides a survival guide on how to use git to use/develop sedFoam.
- Section Frequently Asked Questions provides answers to typical Frequently Asked Questions about SedFoam
The second part provides informations for developers.
sedFoam license
Copyright © 2021 by Cyrille Bonamy, Julien Chauchat, Tian-Jian Hsu, and contributors.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
This project is supported by many organisations. Please find the list here.
Go to the next section.