Foam::GidaspowSchillerNaumann class

H, Enwald, E. Peirano, A-E Almstedt 'Eulerian Two-Phase Flow Theory Applied to Fluidization' Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 22, Suppl, pp. 21-66 (1996) Eq. 86-87, p. 40.

This is identical to the Wen and Yu, Rowe model Table 3.6 p.56 in the Ph.D. thesis of Berend van Wachem 'Derivation, Implementation and Validation of Computer Simulation Models for Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds'

This is identical to the Wen and Yu, Rowe model Table 3.6 p.56 in the Ph.D. thesis of Berend van Wachem 'Derivation, Implementation and Validation of Computer Simulation Models for Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds'

Base classes

class dragModel