People and organizations that contributed to sedFoam.
Listing only people with code contributions or other significant work and the organisations with financial contributions, because otherwise there's too many :) Big thanks to everyone involved!
Are the below lists missing your name or something's wrong? Let us know!
- Cyrille Bonamy (@CyrilleBonamy) — core developer and main maintainer
- Julien Chauchat (@jchauchat) — core developer and Project Investigator
- Tian-Jian Hsu (@tom) — Project Investigator
- Zhen Cheng (@charlie) — Original developer
- Tim Nagel (@tim) — developer
- Antoine Mathieu (@antoine) — core developer
- Eduard Puig-Montella (@ed) — core developer
- Rémi Chassagne (@remichassagne) — core developer
- Alban Gilletta (@alban3) — core developer
- Pablo Higuera (@phicau) — contributor
- Benjamin Tsai (@B-Tsai) — contributor
- Ali Salimi-Tarazouj (@ali) — contributor
- Developers involved in OpenFOAM, which is the foundation of the new solver SedFoam
- French National Research Agency
- Service hydrographique et océanographique de la Marine
- Direction Générale de l'Armement
- National Science Foundation
- Office of Naval Research
- Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program
- the Région Rhones-Alpes (COOPERA project and Explora Pro grant)
- the French national programme EC2CO-LEFE MODSED