namespace Foam
namespace granularRheologyModels
- class BoyerEtAlViscosity
- class Coulomb This file is in the.
- class EinsteinViscosity This file is in the.
- class FluidViscosityModel
- class FrictionModel
- class KriegerDoughertyViscosity
- class MuI
- class MuIdimLess
- class MuIPPressure
- class MuIv
- class MuIvdimLess
- class MuIvPPressure
- class noneFriction
- class nonePPressure
- class noneViscosity
- class PPressureModel
namespace kineticTheoryModels
- class Garzo2012Viscosity
- class GarzoDuftyModViscosity
- class GarzoDuftyViscosity
- class GidaspowViscosity
- class HrenyaSinclairViscosity
- class JenkinsSaltation
- class nonePseudoConductivity
- class noneSaltation
- class noneViscosity
- class SyamlalViscosity
- class viscosityModel
namespace LESModels
- class fluidDynamicLagrangian Dynamic SGS model with Lagrangian averaging for the fluid phase.
- class fluidSmagorinsky The Smagorinsky SGS model.
- class partDynamicLagrangian Dynamic SGS model with Lagrangian averaging for the particle phase.
- class partSmagorinsky Dynamic SGS model with Lagrangian averaging for the particle phase.
namespace RASModels
- class twophasekEpsilon k-epsilon turbulence model for incompressible two phase flows.
- class twophasekEpsilonVeg k-epsilon turbulence model for incompressible two phase flows.
- class twophasekOmega Standard high Reynolds-number k-omega turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows.
- class twophasekOmegaSAS Standard high Reynolds-number k-omega SAS turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows.
- class twophasekOmegaVeg Standard high Reynolds-number k-omega turbulence model for incompressible and compressible flows.
- class twophaseMixingLength Mixing length model for two-phase flow (only valid for 1D case with Y the wall-normal direction)
- class twophaseMixingLengthBerzi Mixing length model for two-phase flow (only valid for 1D case with Y the wall-normal direction)
- class twophaseMixingLengthConst Standard high Reynolds-number k-omega turbulence model for incompressible flows.
- class Beetstra
- class CarnahanStarlingRadial
- class Chauchat Chauchat, J., Guillou, S., Bang, D. P. V., and Nguyen, K. D. (2013). Modelling sedimentation–consolidation in the framework of a one-dimensional two-phase flow model. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 51(3):293–305.
- class ChialvoSundaresanRadial
- class conductivityModel This file is in the.
- class DallaValle H, Enwald, E. Peirano, A-E Almstedt 'Eulerian Two-Phase Flow Theory Applied to Fluidization' Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 22, Suppl, pp. 21-66 (1996) Eq. 86-87, p. 40.
- class dragModel
- class Engelund H, Enwald, E. Peirano, A-E Almstedt 'Eulerian Two-Phase Flow Theory Applied to Fluidization' Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 22, Suppl, pp. 21-66 (1996) Eq. 104, p. 42.
- class Ergun H, Enwald, E. Peirano, A-E Almstedt 'Eulerian Two-Phase Flow Theory Applied to Fluidization' Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 22, Suppl, pp. 21-66 (1996) Eq. 104, p. 42.
- class Etminan Etminan, V., R. J. Lowe, and M. Ghisalberti (2017), A new model for predicting the drag exerted by vegetation canopies, Water Resour. Res., 53, 31793196, doi:10.1002/ 2016WR020090.
- class FuhrmanomegaWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField This boundary condition provides a wall function constraint on turbulnce specific dissipation, omega. The values are computed using:
- class Garzo2012Conductivity
- class GarzoDuftyConductivity
- class GarzoDuftyModConductivity Garzo and Dufty (1999) conductivity model modified empirically to account for saltation.
- class GarzoDuftyPseudoConductivity
- class Gibilaro H, Enwald, E. Peirano, A-E Almstedt 'Eulerian Two-Phase Flow Theory Applied to Fluidization' Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 22, Suppl, pp. 21-66 (1996) Eq. 106, p. 43.
- class GidaspowConductivity
- class GidaspowErgunWenYu D. Gidaspow, Multiphase flow and fluidization, Academic Press, New York, 1994.
- class GidaspowRadial
- class GidaspowSchillerNaumann H, Enwald, E. Peirano, A-E Almstedt 'Eulerian Two-Phase Flow Theory Applied to Fluidization' Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 22, Suppl, pp. 21-66 (1996) Eq. 86-87, p. 40.
- class GidaspowSchillerNaumann_veg
- class granularPressureModel This file is in the.
- class granularRheologyModel Dense granular-flow rheology model for particle phase stress.
- class HrenyaSinclairConductivity This file is in the.
- class Hsu Johnson, P., & Jackson, R. (1987). Frictional–collisional constitutive relations for granular materials, with application to plane shearing. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 176, 67-93. doi:10.1017/S0022112087000570.
- class JohnsonJackson Johnson, P., & Jackson, R. (1987). Frictional–collisional constitutive relations for granular materials, with application to plane shearing. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 176, 67-93. doi:10.1017/S0022112087000570.
- class kineticTheoryModel
- class LunPressure "Kinetic theories for granular flow: Inelastic particles in Couette flow and slightly inelastic particles in a general flowfield." Lun, C. K. K., Savage, S. B., Jeffrey, D. J., and Chepurniy, N. (1984). Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 140:223–256.
- class LunSavageRadial "The effects of an impact velocity dependent coefficient of restitution on stresses developed by sheared granular materials." Lun, C. K. K. and Savage, S. B. 1986. Acta Mech., 63, 15–44.
- class MerckelbachKranenburg Chauchat, J., Guillou, S., Bang, D. P. V., and Nguyen, K. D. (2013). Modelling sedimentation–consolidation in the framework of a one-dimensional two-phase flow model. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 51(3):293–305.
- class phaseModel This file is in the.
- class ppModel This file is in the.
- class pseudoConductivityModel
- class radialModel This file is in the.
- class saltationModel This file is in the.
- class SchillerNaumann
- class SchillerNaumann_veg
- class sedIncompressibleTurbulenceModel Templated abstract base class for volumen occupancy incompressible turbulence models.
- class SinclairJacksonRadial This file is in the.
- class SyamlalConductivity
- class SyamlalOBrien Syamlal, M., Rogers, W. and O'Brien, T. J. (1993) MFIX documentation, Theory Guide. Technical Note DOE/METC-94/1004. Morgantown, West Virginia, USA.
- class SyamlalRogersOBrienPressure This file is in the.
- class TaninoNepf Tanino, Y., & Nepf, H. M. (2008a). Laboratory investigation of mean drag in a random array of rigid, emergent cylinders. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 134(1), 3441. https:/
/ 10.1061/ (ASCE)0733-9429(2008)134:1(34) - class TinocoCowen Tanino, Y., & Nepf, H. M. (2008a). Laboratory investigation of mean drag in a random array of rigid, emergent cylinders. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 134(1), 3441. https:/
/ 10.1061/ (ASCE)0733-9429(2008)134:1(34) - class TorquatoPressure This file is in the.
- class TorquatoRadial "Nearest-neighbor statistics for packings of hard spheres and disks." Torquato, S. (1995). Physical Review E, 51(4):3170–3182.
- class vegDragModel
- class WenYu H, Enwald, E. Peirano, A-E Almstedt 'Eulerian Two-Phase Flow Theory Applied to Fluidization' Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 22, Suppl, pp. 21-66 (1996) Eq. 86-87, p. 40.
- class WilcoxomegaWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField This boundary condition provides a wall function constraint on turbulnce specific dissipation, omega. The values are computed using:
namespace granularRheologyModels
- class Foam::BoyerEtAlViscosity This file is in the.
- class Foam::FluidViscosityModel This file is in the.
- class Foam::FrictionModel This file is in the.
- class Foam::Garzo2012Viscosity
- class Foam::GarzoDuftyModViscosity Garzo and Dufty (1999) conductivity model modified empirically to account for saltation.
- class Foam::GarzoDuftyViscosity
- class Foam::GidaspowViscosity
- class Foam::HrenyaSinclairViscosity This file is in the.
- class Foam::JenkinsSaltation
- class Foam::KriegerDoughertyViscosity This file is in the.
- class Foam::MuI This file is in the.
- class Foam::MuIdimLess MuI rheology in dimensionless form. Lengths are made dimensionless by d the particle diameter and velocity by sqrt(g d).
- class Foam::MuIPPressure This file is in the.
- class Foam::MuIv This file is in the.
- class Foam::MuIvdimLess MuI rheology in dimensionless form. Lengths are made dimensionless by d the particle diameter and velocity by sqrt(g d).
- class Foam::MuIvPPressure This file is in the.
- class Foam::noneFriction
- class Foam::nonePPressure
- class Foam::nonePseudoConductivity This file is in the.
- class Foam::noneSaltation This file is in the.
- class Foam::noneViscosity This file is in the.
- class Foam::PPressureModel This file is in the.
- class Foam::SyamlalViscosity
- class Foam::viscosityModel This file is in the.