How To work with sedFoam container
How To use sedFoam docker to test and use sedFoam.
Here is a How To about using the sedFoam docker.
The prerequisites is to install Docker: https:/
This page is organised in two sections:
Configuration of the sedFoam docker
Operating System: Ubuntu focal
Openfoam version: 2406 ( with all tutorials and source files
sedFoam version: the latest of the develop branch
user: sudofoam (with sudo)
Installed packages: swak4foam, python3-numpy, python3-matplotlib, fluidfoam, vim...
Official link:
Dockerfile: https:/
Extended docker (supporting notebook):
Please note that Paraview is not included in the sedFoam docker. The users are encouraged to install and use Paraview on the host machine.
How to use/launch sedFoam docker ?
launch/initiate docker:
- In jupyter notebook using your web browser (macOS, linux, windows):
- On macOS with GUI (graphical interface without paraview):
- On Windows with GUI (graphical interface without paraview):
- On linux with GUI (graphical interface without paraview):
In jupyter notebook using your web browser (macOS, linux, windows):
On host:
initiate docker:
docker run -p 8888:8888 --name "sedfoam_2406_notebook" -v="/Users/toto":/home/sudofoam/workingDir "cbonamy/sedfoam_2406_notebook"
- use your web browser:
- The previous command will give you a url like http:/
/ ?token=ae5f299fc77312f079793a9ca818d5973ed4df5a5a85b9fa - Just copy and paste the link into your web browser
- The previous command will give you a url like http:/
The -v="/Users/toto":/home/sudofoam/workingDir option is not mmandatory. It is used to mmount a shared space between host and jupyter notebook. If you use this option, please adapt the directories to your configuration. In this example, "/Users/toto" will be mounted on the vm in /home/sudofoam/workingDir.
On macOS with GUI (graphical interface without paraview):
On host:
- configure xquartz
- install xquartz to allow network connection
- in Xquartz: Go to Preferences > Security
- and Check "allow connections from network clients"
in a terminal:
IP=$(ifconfig en0 | grep inet | awk '$1=="inet" {print $2}') xhost + $IP
initiate docker:
docker run -it --net=host -e DISPLAY=$IP:0 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --name "sedfoam_2406" --workdir="/home/sudofoam" -v="/Users/toto":/home/sudofoam/workingDir "cbonamy/sedfoam_2406_ubuntu" /bin/bash
Please adapt the directories to your configuration. In this example, "/Users/toto" will be mounted on the vm in /home/sudofoam/workingDir. If you change IP, for example when returning from work to home, change the Display variable (in the Docker) accordingly.
On Windows with GUI (graphical interface without paraview):
- configure Docker Engine for windows (with all system requirements: WSL2, step 1-5 from https:/
/ ) en-us/ windows/ wsl/ install-win10 - configure vcxsrv: https:/
/ (disable access control in extra settings) projects/ vcxsrv/ Get your IP and set DISPLAY variable:
set-variable -name DISPLAY -value YOUR-IP:0.0
initiate docker:
docker run -it --net=host --env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --name "sedfoam_2406" --workdir="/home/sudofoam" -v="c:/mydataspace":/home/sudofoam/workingDir "cbonamy/sedfoam_2406_ubuntu" /bin/bash
Please adapt the directories to your configuration. In this example, "c:/mydataspace" will be mounted on the vm in /home/sudofoam/workingDir. If you change IP, for example when returning from work to home, change the Display variable (in the Docker) accordingly.
On linux with GUI (graphical interface without paraview):
docker run -it --net=host --env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --volume $XAUTH:/root/.Xauthority --name "sedfoam_2406" --workdir="/home/sudofoam" -v="/home/users/toto":/home/sudofoam/workingDir "cbonamy/sedfoam_2406_ubuntu" /bin/bash
Please adapt the directories to your configuration. In this example, "/home/users/toto" will be mounted on the vm in /home/sudofoam/workingDir. If you change IP, for example when returning from work to home, change the Display variable (in the Docker) accordingly.
Start a container (if existing and not running):
docker container start sedfoam_2406
Attach to a running container (if existing and running):
docker container attach sedfoam_2406
Now hack and enjoy!\ The sedFoam files will be in /home/sudofoam and the solver is already compiled. Note that the bashrc file from openfoam is here: /openfoam/bash.rc and the python environment here: /home/sudofoam/pyenv\