dir granularRheologyModels
dir FluidViscosityModel
dir BoyerEtAl
- file BoyerEtAlViscosity.C
- file BoyerEtAlViscosity.H
dir Einstein
- file EinsteinViscosity.C
- file EinsteinViscosity.H
dir FluidViscosityModel
- file FluidViscosityModel.C
- file FluidViscosityModel.H
- file newFluidViscosityModel.C
- dir KriegerDougherty
dir none
- file noneViscosity.C
- file noneViscosity.H
dir BoyerEtAl
dir FrictionModel
- dir Coulomb
dir FrictionModel
- file FrictionModel.C
- file FrictionModel.H
- file newFrictionModel.C
- dir MuI
dir MuIdimLess
- file MuIdimLess.C
- file MuIdimLess.H
- dir MuIv
dir MuIvdimLess
- file MuIvdimLess.C
- file MuIvdimLess.H
dir none
- file noneFriction.C
- file noneFriction.H
- dir granularRheologyModel
dir PPressureModel
dir MuIPPressure
- file MuIPPressure.C
- file MuIPPressure.H
dir MuIvPPressure
- file MuIvPPressure.C
- file MuIvPPressure.H
dir none
- file nonePPressure.C
- file nonePPressure.H
dir PPressureModel
- file newPPressureModel.C
- file PPressureModel.C
- file PPressureModel.H
dir MuIPPressure
dir FluidViscosityModel
dir interfacialModels
dir dragModels
dir Beetstra
- file Beetstra.C
- file Beetstra.H
dir DallaValle
- file DallaValle.C
- file DallaValle.H
dir dragModel
- file dragModel.C
- file dragModel.H
- file newDragModel.C
dir Engelund
- file Engelund.C
- file Engelund.H
- dir Ergun
dir Gibilaro
- file Gibilaro.C
- file Gibilaro.H
dir GidaspowErgunWenYu
- file GidaspowErgunWenYu.C
- file GidaspowErgunWenYu.H
- dir GidaspowSchillerNaumann
dir SchillerNaumann
- file SchillerNaumann.C
- file SchillerNaumann.H
dir SyamlalOBrien
- file SyamlalOBrien.C
- file SyamlalOBrien.H
- dir WenYu
dir Beetstra
dir vegDragModels
- dir Etminan
- dir GidaspowSchillerNaumann_veg
dir SchillerNaumann_veg
- file SchillerNaumann_veg.C
- file SchillerNaumann_veg.H
dir TaninoNepf
- file TaninoNepf.C
- file TaninoNepf.H
dir TinocoCowen
- file TinocoCowen.C
- file TinocoCowen.H
dir vegDragModel
- file newVegDragModel.C
- file vegDragModel.C
- file vegDragModel.H
dir dragModels
dir kineticTheoryModels
dir conductivityModel
dir conductivityModel
- file conductivityModel.C
- file conductivityModel.H
- file newConductivityModel.C
- dir Garzo2012
- dir GarzoDufty
- dir GarzoDuftyMod
dir Gidaspow
- file GidaspowConductivity.C
- file GidaspowConductivity.H
- dir HrenyaSinclair
dir Syamlal
- file SyamlalConductivity.C
- file SyamlalConductivity.H
dir conductivityModel
- dir granularPressureModel
dir kineticTheoryModel
- file kineticTheoryModel.C
- file kineticTheoryModel.H
- file writeTBudget.H
- dir pseudoConductivityModel
dir radialModel
- dir CarnahanStarling
- dir ChialvoSundaresan
dir Gidaspow
- file GidaspowRadial.C
- file GidaspowRadial.H
dir LunSavage
- file LunSavageRadial.C
- file LunSavageRadial.H
dir radialModel
- file newRadialModel.C
- file radialModel.C
- file radialModel.H
- dir SinclairJackson
dir Torquato
- file TorquatoRadial.C
- file TorquatoRadial.H
dir saltationModel
dir Jenkins
- file JenkinsSaltation.C
- file JenkinsSaltation.H
dir none
- file noneSaltation.C
- file noneSaltation.H
dir saltationModel
- file newSaltationModel.C
- file saltationModel.C
- file saltationModel.H
dir Jenkins
dir viscosityModel
dir Garzo2012
- file Garzo2012Viscosity.C
- file Garzo2012Viscosity.H
dir GarzoDufty
- file GarzoDuftyViscosity.C
- file GarzoDuftyViscosity.H
- dir GarzoDuftyMod
dir Gidaspow
- file GidaspowViscosity.C
- file GidaspowViscosity.H
- dir HrenyaSinclair
dir none
- file noneViscosity.C
- file noneViscosity.H
dir Syamlal
- file SyamlalViscosity.C
- file SyamlalViscosity.H
dir viscosityModel
- file newViscosityModel.C
- file viscosityModel.C
- file viscosityModel.H
dir Garzo2012
dir conductivityModel
dir overSedDymFoam
- dir pU
- dir pUf
- file createFields.H
- file createTurbulence.H
- file callGranularStressDyM.H
- file continuityErrs.H Calculates and prints the continuity errors.
- file correctPhiSed.H
- file correctPhiSedFaceMask.H Correct phi on new faces C-I faces.
- file CourantNo.H Calculates and outputs the mean and maximum Courant Numbers.
- file createControls.H
- file createFavreAveraging.H
- file createUfSed.H Creates and initialises the velocity velocity field Uf.
- file interpolatedFaces.H
- file overSedDymFoam.C Solver for a system of 2 phases with one phase dispersed, e.g. solid particles in a fluid.
- file readControls.H
- file updateTwoPhaseTurbulence.H
- file alphaEqn.H
dir phaseModel
dir phaseModel
- file phaseModel.C
- file phaseModel.H
dir phaseModel
dir ppModel
dir Chauchat
- file Chauchat.C
- file Chauchat.H
- dir Hsu
dir JohnsonJackson
- file JohnsonJackson.C
- file JohnsonJackson.H
- dir MerckelbachKranenburg
- file newPpModel.C
- file ppModel.C
- file ppModel.H
dir Chauchat
- dir pU
- dir pUf
dir sedVegFoam
- dir pU
- dir pUf
- file callGranularStress.H
- file liftDragCoeffs.H
- file createFieldsVeg.H
- file createTwoPhaseTurbulenceVeg.H
- file sedVegFoam.C Solver for a system of 2 phases with one phase dispersed, e.g. solid particles in a fluid.
- file updateTwoPhaseTurbulenceVeg.H
- file UaUbLimiter.H
- file writeOutput.H
- file alphaEqn.H
- file alphaCourantNo.H Calculates and outputs the mean and maximum Courant Numbers.
- file calcFavreAverage.H
- file calcFavreAverage_fluid.H
- file calculateUfall.H
- file callGranularStress.H
- file CourantNos.H
- file createFavreAverage_fluid.H
- file createFields.H
- file createTurbulence.H
- file createTwoPhaseTurbulence.H
- file DDtU.H
- file gravityRamp.H
- file liftDragCoeffs.H
- file OutputGradPOSC.H
- file createFavreAveraging.H
- file packingLimiter.H
- file readGravity.H
- file readTwoPhaseEulerFoamControls.H
- file sedFoam.C Solver for a system of 2 phases with one phase dispersed, e.g. solid particles in a fluid.
- file setDeltaT.H Reset the timestep to maintain a constant maximum courant Number. Reduction of time-step is immediate, but increase is damped to avoid unstable oscillations.
- file UaUbLimiter.H
- file updateTwoPhaseTurbulence.H
- file writeOutput.H
- file alphaEqn.H
dir granularRheologyModels
- file alphaEqn.H
- file sedFoam_MULES.C Solver for a system of 2 phases with one phase dispersed, e.g. solid particles in a fluid.
dir turbulenceModels
- dir LES
dir RAS
dir twophasekEpsilon
- file twophasekEpsilon.C
- file twophasekEpsilon.H
- file writeTKEBudget_kEpsilon.H
- dir twophasekEpsilonVeg
dir twophasekOmega
- file twophasekOmega.C
- file twophasekOmega.H
- file writeTKEBudget_kOmega.H
dir twophasekOmegaSAS
- file twophasekOmegaSAS.C
- file twophasekOmegaSAS.H
- file writeTKEBudget_kOmegaSAS.H
dir twophasekOmegaVeg
- file twophasekOmegaVeg.C
- file twophasekOmegaVeg.H
- file writeTKEBudget_kOmegaVeg.H
dir twophaseMixingLength
- file twophaseMixingLength.C
- file twophaseMixingLength.H
- dir twophaseMixingLengthBerzi
- dir twophaseMixingLengthConst
dir twophasekEpsilon
- file sedIncompressibleTurbulenceModel.C
- file sedIncompressibleTurbulenceModel.H
- file twophaseTurbulenceModels.C
- dir wallFunctions
dir turbulenceModels
- file algorithm.doc SedFOAM algorithm.
- file credits.doc People and organizations that contributed (doc)
- file faq.doc Answers to FAQ (doc)
- file governingEq.doc
- file howtodocker.doc howtodocker (doc)
- file howtogit.doc howtogit (doc)
- file index.doc index (doc)
- file input.doc Input parameters (doc)
- file install.doc Installation (doc)
- file ndsolution.doc ndsolution Non-dimensional solution (doc)
- file publications.doc Publication list (doc)
- file tutorials_DyM.doc Tutorials dynamic (doc)
- file tutorials_laminar.doc Tutorials laminar (doc)
- file tutorials_LES.doc tutorials_LES (doc)
- file tutorials_RAS.doc tutorials_RAS (doc)