Input Parameters

Description of the sedFoam input parameters.

The input parameters for sedFoam are numerous and are modifiable through different files in the current working directory. Some of the files are identical to other openFoam solvers and won't be described in details herein. This is the case for the files:


The file 'blockMesh' contains the description of the mesh (see Mesh generation). The file 'controlDict' contains the runtime parameters such as the timestep and the output interval, etc... The files 'fvScheme' describes the numerical shemes for the different differential operators (temporal, divergence, laplacian) and the file 'fvSolution' describes the algebraic solvers and the associated tolerance for each equation as well as the PIMPLE algorithm controls such as the number of inner and outer iterations ...

The keyword 'faceMomentum' in the PIMPLE dictionary of the file system/fvSolution corresponds to solving the explicit shear stress terms at the cell faces and added in pEqn when set to false (the solver is using the code given in the pUf folder) and they are the cell centers and added in UEqn using the keyword 'faceMomentum' = true (the solver is using the code given in the pU folder) which is the default value.

The files that contain the specific input parameters for sedFoam are:


The file 'g' contains the gravity vector. The user shall be careful when using a 1D/2D configuration that 'g' has to be carried by the 'y' direction.

Physical processes

sedFoam includes a variety of physical processes: fluid-particle forces such as drag force, fluid and particle phase rheology, elastic pressure for the solid phase, turbulence modeling. Each process can be switched on or off. The various tutorials available with the source code give a good overview of different combination of physical processes. The table below lists the keywords used to switch on or off physical processes in sedFoam and the key input parameters.

In the following the input parameters will be described file-by-file.

File transportProperties

In the file 'transportProperties' the user can specify the input parameters listed in the table below:

phaseasolid phase
phasedfluid phase
rhophase density10001-2650kg/m^3
nuphase viscosity1e-60-1e0m^2/s
dparticle diameter200e-662e-6-1m
sFshape factor10.1-2-
hExpHindrance exponent2.651.5-3.15-
Ws0settling velocity1.15e-41e-6-1e-4m/s
WsGelset. vel. gel point8.53e-61e-5-1e-3m/s
dimFracfractal dimension2.7482-3-
Xiempirical coef.1.1551-10-
alphaGelgel point0.280.05-0.4-
phiMaxfloc concentration0.850.5-0.9-
rhoFlocfloc density1566.591050-2000kg/m^3
alphaSmallMin. solid vol. frac.1e-61e-9-1e-5-
alphaDiffusionarticifical Diffusivity00-1e-6m^2/s
nuMaxmaximium viscosity11e-2-1e6m^2/s
nuFraMaxmaximium sed viscosity1e31e-2-1e6m^2/s
nuMaxExpidem for Explicit terms11e-2-1e6m^2/s

File interfacialProperties

In the file 'transportProperties' the user can specified the input parameters listed in the table below:

Ergunfor dense packing of spheres (consistent with Darcy's law)
SchillerNaumannfor dilute suspensions at any Re_p
Camenenfor mud flocks (see Chauchat et al 2013)

File ppProperties

In the file 'ppProperties' the user can specify the input parameters for the elastic pressure model for 'pff':

JohnsonJacksondefault model (for spheres)
Hsumodel for spheres, Fr represents an elastic modulus
MerckelbachKranenburgmodel for mud (based on fractal dimension)
Chauchatmodel for mud (see Chauchat et al., 2013)

Depending on the ppModel, the following parameters need to be specified:

alphaMaxmax. solid vol. fraction0.6350.57-0.635-
alphaMinFrictionrandom loose packing frac.0.570.53-0.57-
Frelastic modulus0.050.001-1e8Pa
eta0empirical exponent31-3-
eta1empirical exponent55-

File granularRheologyProperties

In the file 'granularRheologyProperties' the user can specify the input parameters for the dense granular flow rheology, in particular the user decides if he/she wants to use the dense granular flow rheology or not by setting the switch 'granularRheology' to on/off. If it's switched on, the user has to decide which rheological model to use for the different components, i.e. granular shear stress, granular normal stress and fluid shear stress, amongst:

noneno friction
CoulombCoulomb friction with constant friction coef mus
MuImu(I) friction model in the inertial regime
MuIvmu(Iv) friction model in the viscous regime
noneno particle phase shear induced pressure
MuImu(I) friction model in the inertial regime
MuIvmu(Iv) friction model in the viscous regime
noneeffective viscosity = pure fluid viscosity
EinsteinEinstein (1906) viscosity model for dilute supensions
KriegerDoughertyKrieger and Dougherty (1959) viscosity model for dense supensions
BoyerEtAlBoyet et al. (2011) viscosity model for dense supensions

The following list of parameters can be modified from the 'granularRheologyProperties' file:

alphaMaxGmax. solid vol. fraction0.60.55-0.6-
musstatic friction coeff.0.380.3-0.7-
mu2dynamic friction coeff.0.640.6-1.2-
I0empirical coeff. mu(I)0.30.005-0.6-
Bphiempirical coeff. phi(I)0.310.3-1-
nexponent. effective visc.2.51-3-
BulkFactorcoef for 2nd viscosity00-10-
Dsmallregularisation param.1e-61e-4-1e-91/s
relaxParelaxation factor for Pa1.01e-9-1-

Additionally, the switch 'granularDilatancy' found in the file 'granularRheologyProperties' is used to incorporate dilatancy effects in the model. This feature is important to capture the coupling between the pore pressure feedback mechanism and the initial dynamics of a granular medium subjected to shear stress.

Finally, the 'granularCohesion' switch found in the 'granularRheologyProperties' file is used to integrate cohesive effects. This feature enables users to introduce cohesive material regions, such as cohesive layers or model fine-grained soils like clay, where cohesive effects cannot be neglected.

File kineticTheoryProperties

In the file 'kineticTheoryProperties' the user can specify the input parameters for the kinetic theory of granular flows, in particular the user decides if he/she wants to use the kinetic theory or not by setting the switch 'kineticTheory' to on/off. If it's switched on, the user has to decide which rheological model to use for the different components.

The possible closure models for the particle pressure are:


With the binary collision assumption adopted in the kinetic theory of granular flow, the radial distribution function is introduced to describe the crowdedness of a particle. Several radial distribution functions can be selected:


Both the particle shear viscosity and the bulk viscosity are modeled by the following closure models:


The conductivity of granular temperature can be computed with the following models:


The following list of parameters can be modified from the 'kineticTheoryProperties' file:

ecoeff. of restitution0.90.6-1.0-
muPartinterparticle friction coefficient0.00.0-1.0-
alphaMaxmax. solid vol. fraction0.60.6-1.0-
MaxThetamax.granular temperature1e30.001-1e5-
phifriction angle3220-40-
killJ2Tuns on (0) / off (1) the fluid-particle interaction10 or 1-
quadraticCorrectionJ1correction to consider the quadratic nature of drag1-

File forceProperties

In the file 'forceProperties' the user can specify the input parameters for the external pressure gradient and select the fluid-particle forces to be added in the model, e.g. lift force, added mass force, Ct model:

gradPMEANmean pressure gradient00-kg/m^2/s^2
gradPAMP11st order wave contribution00-kg/m^2/s^2
gradPAMP22nd order wave contribution00-kg/m^2/s^2
gradPAMP33rd order wave contribution00-kg/m^2/s^2
gradPAMP44th order wave contribution00-kg/m^2/s^2
gradPAMP55th order wave contribution00-kg/m^2/s^2
oscpTwave period00-s
initTheta1initial phase of 1st order wave00-359deg
initTheta2initial phase of 2nd order wave00-359deg
initTheta3initial phase of 3rd order wave00-359deg
initTheta4initial phase of 4th order wave00-359deg
initTheta5initial phase of 5th order wave00-359deg
tiltto mimic bedslope with gradPMEAN00 or 1-
Cvmvirtual mass force coef.00-10-
ClLift force coef.00-10-
CtCt model coef. nuEffa=Ct^2 nutb00-1-
InitFreezeFreeze solid phase00, 1 or 2-
fixbeddepthdepth below which to freeze00 to max(Y)m
ClipUaimpose U.a=U.b for alpha<alphaSmall00 or 1-
writeTauwrite shear stress tensorsfalsetrue or falseboolean
debugInfoshow debugging informationfalsetrue or falseboolean
spongeLayersponge layerfalsetrue or falseboolean
xSminmin. X position for sponge layer0min(X)-max(X)m
xSmaxmax. X position for sponge layer0min(X)-max(X)m

File turbulenceProperties.phaseb

In the file 'turbulenceProperties.phaseb' the user can specify the turbulence model to be used for the fluid phase:

laminarlaminar flow - no turbulence model (nutb=0)
RASReynolds Averaged turbulence model
LESLarge-Eddy Simulation turbulence model

If simulationType=RAS is selected, the user needs to specify a turbulence model using the keyword 'RASModel' in the 'RAS' dictionary. All singlephase turbulence model can be selected and specific two-phase flow turbulence models are provided with sedFoam:

twophaseMixingLengthtwo-phase flow mixing length model (see chauchat et al. 2017, GMD)
twophasekEpsilontwo-phase flow k-epsilon model (see chauchat et al. 2017, GMD)
twophaseLaunderSharmaKEtwo-phase flow k-epsilon model from Launder and Sharma
twophasekOmegatwo-phase flow k-omega model (see chauchat et al. 2017, GMD)
twophasekOmegaSAStwo-phase flow k-omega SAS model

Coefficients of the turbulence models can be modified in the file turbulenceproperties.phaseb using the dictionaries twophasekOmegaCoeffs, twophasekOmegaSASCoeffs, twophaseMixingLengthCoeffs and twophasekEpsilonCoeffs. Values for the different turbulence models can be found in the tutorials.

If simulationType=LES is selected, the user needs to specify a turbulence model using the keyword 'LESModel' in the 'LES' dictionnary. For the moment, only the dynamic Lagragian sub-grid scale model from Meneveau et al. (1996) can be used with the keyword fluidDynamicLagrangian

File turbulenceProperties.phasea

In the file 'turbulenceProperties.phasea' the user can specify the turbulence model to be used for the solid phase:

laminarlaminar flow - no turbulence model (nutb=0)
LESLarge-Eddy Simulation turbulence model

No RAS model is available for the solid phase. When fluid turbulence is modeled using a RAS model, simulationType keyword should be laminar for the solid phase.

If simulationType=LES is selected, the user needs to specify a turbulence model using the keyword 'LESModel' in the 'LES' dictionary. For the moment, only the dynamic Lagragian sub-grid scale model from Meneveau et al. (1996) can be used with the keyword solidDynamicLagrangian

File twophaseRASProperties

In the file 'twophaseRASProperties' the user can specified the input parameters for the turbulence model:

SUSreadturbulent Schmidt number00-3 (0 for LES)-
SUSlocalswitch to turn on local SUS modelfalsetrue or falseboolean
Usmallmin. u* value for local SUS1e-61e-9-1e-4m/s
CmuCmu constant for k-eps or k-omega0.090.09-
Bempirical parameter for turb drag0.250.1-1-
kSmallmin. Tp value for turb. drag1e-61e-9-1e-4m^2/s^2
TpSmallmin. Tp value for turb. drag1e-61e-9-1e-4kg/m^3/s
nutMaxmax. eddy viscosity value-5e-3-1e1m^2/s
KE1coef. for density stratif (Uf-Us)00 or 1-
KE2coef. for turbulence modulation00 or 1-
KE3coef. for turbulence generation00 or 1-
KE4coef. for density stratif g00 or 1-