template<class BasicTurbulenceModel>
Foam::LESModels::fluidSmagorinsky class

The Smagorinsky SGS model.


    Smagorinsky, J. (1963).
    General circulation experiments with the primitive equations: I.
    The basic experiment*.
    Monthly weather review, 91(3), 99-164.

The form of the Smagorinsky model implemented is obtained from the k-equation model assuming local equilibrium which provides estimates of both k and epsilon separate from the sub-grid scale viscosity:

    B = 2/3*k*I - 2*nuSgs*dev(D)


    D = symm(grad(U));
    k from D:B + Ce*k^3/2/delta = 0
    nuSgs = Ck*sqrt(k)*delta

The default model coefficients are

        Ck                  0.094;
        Ce                  1.048;