template<class BasicTurbulenceModel>
Foam::RASModels::twophasekEpsilonVeg class

k-epsilon turbulence model for incompressible two phase flows.


    Original model:
        Launder, B. E., & Spalding, D. B. (1972).
        Lectures in mathematical models of turbulence.

        Launder, B. E., & Spalding, D. B. (1974).
        The numerical computation of turbulent flows.
        Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering,
        3(2), 269-289.

    Two-phase adaptation
        Hsu, T.-J., Jenkins, J. T., and Liu, P. L.-F. (2004).
        On two-phase sediment transport: sheet flow of massive particles.
        Proceedings of the Royal Society London A, 460, 2223-2250.

        Yu, X., Hsu, T.-J., and Hanes, D. M. (2010).
        Sediment transport under wave groups: Relative importance between
        nonlinear waveshape and nonlinear boundary layer streaming.
        Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, C02013.

The default model coefficients correspond to the following:

        Cmu         0.09;
        C1          1.44;
        C2          1.92;
        C3ep        1.2;
        C4ep        1.0;
        alphak      1.0;
        alphaEps    1.3;
        KE2         1.0;
        KE4         1.0;

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