Version 3.2
Author Julien Chauchat, Cyrille Bonamy, Antoine Mathieu, Rémi Chassagne, Tim Nagel, Zhen Cheng, Tian-Jian Hsu and Eduard Puig Montella.
Date June 01, 2021
- directory granularRheologyModels/
- directory kineticTheoryModels/
- directory phaseModel/
- directory ppModel/
- file alphaCourantNo.H
- Calculates and outputs the mean and maximum Courant Numbers.
- file alphaEqn.H
- file calcFavreAverage.H
- file calcFavreAverage_fluid.H
- file calculateUfall.H
- file callGranularStress.H
- file CourantNos.H
- file createFavreAverage_fluid.H
- file createFavreAveraging.H
- file createFields.H
- file createTurbulence.H
- file createTwoPhaseTurbulence.H
- file DDtU.H
- file gravityRamp.H
- file liftDragCoeffs.H
- file OutputGradPOSC.H
- file packingLimiter.H
- file readGravity.H
- file readTwoPhaseEulerFoamControls.H
- file sedFoam.C
- Solver for a system of 2 phases with one phase dispersed, e.g. solid particles in a fluid.
- file setDeltaT.H
- Reset the timestep to maintain a constant maximum courant Number. Reduction of time-step is immediate, but increase is damped to avoid unstable oscillations.
- file UaUbLimiter.H
- file updateTwoPhaseTurbulence.H
- file writeOutput.H