

Version 3.2

Author Julien Chauchat, Cyrille Bonamy, Antoine Mathieu, Rémi Chassagne, Tim Nagel, Zhen Cheng, Tian-Jian Hsu and Eduard Puig Montella.

Date June 01, 2021


directory granularRheologyModels/
directory kineticTheoryModels/
directory phaseModel/
directory ppModel/


file alphaCourantNo.H
Calculates and outputs the mean and maximum Courant Numbers.
file alphaEqn.H
file calcFavreAverage.H
file calculateUfall.H
file callGranularStress.H
file CourantNos.H
file createFavreAveraging.H
file createFields.H
file createTurbulence.H
file createTwoPhaseTurbulence.H
file DDtU.H
file gravityRamp.H
file liftDragCoeffs.H
file OutputGradPOSC.H
file packingLimiter.H
file readGravity.H
file readTwoPhaseEulerFoamControls.H
file sedFoam.C
Solver for a system of 2 phases with one phase dispersed, e.g. solid particles in a fluid.
file setDeltaT.H
Reset the timestep to maintain a constant maximum courant Number. Reduction of time-step is immediate, but increase is damped to avoid unstable oscillations.
file UaUbLimiter.H
file updateTwoPhaseTurbulence.H
file writeOutput.H